Stimulates coral growth, increases color and biologically reduces phosphate in the reef aquarium.
Pale or brownish colored corals are often caused by a lack of easily usable nitrogen compounds. Tropic Marin® Amino-Organic contains amino acids, other organic nitrogen compounds and minerals that stimulate the growth of leather and stony corals, disc and crust anemones. As a result, existing phosphate is increasingly absorbed from the water by the flower animals, and increased phosphate concentrations are reduced biologically. These natural conditions mean that the animals open up better, thrive visibly more vigorously and show stronger colors.
– contains valuable amino acids and minerals
– adds easily usable organic nitrogen compounds to the aquarium
– ensures a more balanced nitrogen-phosphorus ratio (N:P) when there is an excess of phosphate
– Lowers elevated phosphate concentrations biologically
– stimulates coral growth
– Corals are more vital and show a stronger color
– increased opening of the polyps in flower animals
– without nitrates and phosphates