In German-speaking countries, the salinity in seawater is usually expressed as density and is one of the most important water parameters. Many aquarium inhabitants react sensitively to small changes in their environmental conditions. These should therefore be kept as constant as possible in the optimal range for the respective tank. Natural seawater with an average salinity of 35 ‰ (psu) has a density of approx. 25 kg/l at 1,023 °C. Our recommendation for aquarium water at 25 °C, depending on the tank stock, is a value between 1,022 and 1,024 kg/l. - readable in the green area of the Tropic Marin® precision hydrometer.
Density is defined as the weight of a body per volume, the unit is kg/l. The density is to be distinguished from the “specific gravity” (relative density), which is used in the rest of the world. A reliable measuring device for density is the hydrometer.
Tropic Marin® measuring cylinder:
Height: 36 cm
Volume: max. 500 ml
Transparent plastic (PP – polypropylene)
Stable foot
With pouring opening
Sublime graduation
Tropic Marin® precision hydrometer:
Maximum deviation: 0,001 (25°C)
Measuring range: 1,018 to 1,028
Resolution: 0,0001
Recommended range: 1,022 and 1,024 kg/l
The Tropic Marin® measuring cylinder is made of PP (polypropylene). The Tropic Marin® precision hydrometer is made of hand-blown glass.