Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Overflow comb 33 cm (3 pieces) for glass thicknesses of 8-15 mm
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Overflow comb 33 cm (1 pieces) for glass thicknesses of 8-15 mm
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs
Drain / overflow protection / combs